Nicotine Lozenges

Nicotine Lozenge
If you're a smoker who's trying to kick the habit, nicotine lozenges can help. This form of nicotine replacement therapy helps you to quit smoking over a period of time until you're ready to stop permanently. The lozenges are a dissolving tablet that comes in several flavors, and you hold them in your mouth until they completely dissolve. You can find nicotine lozenges at CVS Pharmacy to help you say goodbye to cigarettes once and for all.
Where Do You Put Nicotine Lozenges?
Now that you have your smoking cessation tools from CVS, you need to know how to best utilize your nicotine lozenge for effective results. By putting the lozenge in your mouth between your gums and cheek you will experience a warm or tingling sensation letting you know that the nicotine is being released.
Can I Use Two Nicotine Lozenges At Once?
It is not recommended to use more than one nicotine lozenge at a time, as it can have unwanted side effects such as nausea and heartburn.
Do Nicotine Lozenges Dissolve?
The time-release of nicotine happens slowly with a lozenge as it dissolves very gradually over the course of 20 to 30 minutes. It will dissolve without chewing, sucking, or swallowing it.
Does CVS Sell Nicotine Lozenges?
Yes, CVS sells a variety of Nicotine Lozenges in stores and online.
Are Nicotine Lozenges Available For Same Day Pickup?
No, Nicotine Lozenges are not eligible for same day pickup because you must be over 18 to purchase.
How Do Nicotine Lozenges Work?
When you use nicotine lozenges on a regular basis, they help to ease the symptoms associated with cigarette withdrawal. One reason many smokers use this form of replacement therapy is that you can control the frequency and amount of your dosage as you desire. You will choose the dose for your lozenge based on how heavily you smoke. For example, if you only smoke a few cigarettes per day, your dosage will be lower than someone who smokes a pack per day or more. Read the packaging of the lozenges carefully so you're sure you select the correct dose. When you use the lozenges, they deliver nicotine to the bloodstream to help your cravings for a cigarette subside.
Nicotine Lozenge Dosing
Nicotine lozenges come in 2 and 4-milligram dosages, and you can typically use them for up to eight consecutive weeks. Base your dosage on whether you smoke your first cigarette within 30 minutes of waking, or if you smoke at least a half-hour or more after you awake. Most people who smoke when they first awake will need the 4-milligram dose. Only take one lozenge at a time and do not eat for at least 15 minutes before you use the lozenge. Try to avoid eating or drinking with the lozenge in your mouth since it may cause choking and could also reduce the effects of the nicotine. Allow the nicotine lozenge to sit in your mouth and move it from side-to-side without chewing or swallowing it. Stay away from acidic beverages like orange juice since they can interfere with your body's ability to absorb the nicotine.
Nicotine Lozenges Vs. Gum
Quitting smoking isn't easy, but it's worth the effort. Smoking can affect almost every part of your body including your heart, lungs, eyesight, and oral health. When you quit smoking, you can help to lower your cholesterol and reduce your risk of heart disease. It also reduces the risk of developing blood clots, oral cancers, and lung cancer. If you want to quit but you can't chew nicotine gum due to having dentures, TMJ, or another issue, lozenges are an excellent alternative.
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