Sport & Energy Drinks
Sports and Energy Drinks
Whether it's going for an extended sweat session with friends, an athletic competition, or studying up for an exam, sports and energy drinks can help you and your body function at its best. The better your body is working, the more you can enjoy your activities.
Sports Drinks
Sports drinks replenish your body's water along with minerals (electrolytes) such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium that leave the body through sweating and metabolic function. They also supply energy (carbohydrates) such as glucose or fructose that can help athletes who exercise for longer than an hour or participate in very intense activities that happen in short bursts, as in ice hockey. Sports drinks contain about two-third of the calories in typical soft drinks and make it easier for the body to process.
Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are formulated differently than sports drinks because they serve different purposes. They are a source of caffeine and other stimulants that can give a sense of being more awake and mentally sharp. Energy drinks contain sugar as well in some products. They can help you through a long study session or give you a 'pick-me-up' to help you stay alert and energized.
How Do Sports Drinks Work?
When you are working out or playing a sport, your body produces sweat to help you cool down. Depending on the humidity, temperature, and duration and intensity of the activity, you might sweat more than you realize, and the fluid loss can cause dehydration. You need to hydrate by adding back the water you lose during physical exercise. Keep your muscles working at their peak and avoid fatigue and cramps by drinking hydrating and energizing fluids.
Best Sports Drink For Hydration
Relying on a sense of thirst alone is not always the best indicator that tells you how much fluids to drink. Plain water is usually enough if your activity lasts for less than an hour. For long and intense efforts, sports drinks can help you hydrate properly before and during exercise. Your body continues to sweat even after you have stopped your physical activity. Along with water, your body needs to replenish electrolytes to maintain fluid balance, muscle contraction, and energy metabolism.
CVS carries lots of options for hydrating and electrolyte-replenishing sports drinks to choose from. Try one of these thirst-quenching choices next time you break a sweat.
What is Are Sports Drinks?
Sports drinks are a category of drink that were developed to help athletes hydrate and regain electrolytes during and just after a strenuous workout. Today there are dozens of different brands of sports drinks available in many different flavors. Gatorade is the most popular sports drink, and it was first developed for athletes in Florida, but is today enjoyed by millions of people around the world. There are also brands like PowerAde, which are marketed toward athletes in virtually every sport. You can get sports drinks that are sugar-free as well if you are trying to avoid the added carbs and sugars that are found in most of these types of drinks.
What are Energy Drinks?
Energy drinks are a category of drinks that are made specifically to help boost your energy level. These drinks typically contain ingredients including caffeine, B vitamins, and a variety of different dietary supplements known to boost energy or concentration. When enjoyed, many people get a burst of energy that can last for hours. These drinks are also very popular for use as mixers in alcoholic drinks as they can help to combat the fatigue that is commonly associated with drinking alcohol.
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