Goodline Grooming Co. Boar Bristle All Purpose Grooming Brush


How to get it


Goodline Grooming Co. Boar Bristle All Purpose Grooming Brush
1.00 EACH, 0.19 lbs. Item # 699112
If you are styling your hair, you need to make sure that you have a good brush that will let you perform proper grooming at any time. This Goodline 100% Boar Bristle All-Purpose Hairbrush is the perfect option for men with all hair lengths. Whether you are doing your hair for the first time in the morning, or you are fixing it up later in the afternoon, this brush will give you the control needed to get the exact style you are looking for. Using a brush with 100% natural boar bristles allows you to evenly distribute your scalp's natural oils throughout your hair. This can give you a great-looking shine without the need for any products. The brush is slim and lightweight, so you can keep it with you anywhere you go. If you are looking to stay well-groomed, make sure you have this important tool to make it easier than ever. You can even use this brush on your beard and mustache to give your facial hair the style you love. You can purchase this Goodline 100% Boar Bristle All-Purpose Hairbrush from your local CVS, or you can order it online at and have it sent right to your door. You may even want to purchase two (or more) of these brushes so you can be sure that you will always have one on hand when you need it. 100% boar bristle hairbrush
Great for all-purpose brushing
Crafted for men
Works on all hair lengths
ConcernHealthy hair & scalp
Makeup finishSmooth
Product typeHair brush
QuantitySingle pack


See the full list of product ingredients on the product label.


How to use: Glide the boar bristles through your hair anytime for a well-groomed look with added shine. Clean in a gentle solution of warm water and shampoo. Air-dry with bristles facing down.


Please follow as instructed on the product label.
From Goodline Grooming Co.
*Customer reviews and ratings solely reflect the views and opinions of the individual contributors and are not created or endorsed by CVS Pharmacy. Please review the product labeling and consult with your doctor with any health or medical questions.

Goodline Grooming Co. Boar Bristle All Purpose Grooming Brush
